Friday 9 December 2011

3D Modelling - Latest Update (09/12/2011)

As you can see from the screenshot, i have finished making the cart by slighting modifiying the existing idea and updating it with a new technique I discovered earlier which gave it a much better finished quality. I also added in wheels and attached them to the cart properly. I also added some of my existing models to go onto the cart to show what it carries.

 Once that was done, I started work on making a stall which where a few of these will be dotted around the town selling different things. They will be situated in the main square mostly selling fruit and vegetables.

Friday 2 December 2011

3D Project - Beginning (02/12/2011)

Started work on creating the environment and thought I'd start off by making the more simplistic components first, then gradually progress to the more complicated models.

So far I have created a simple barrel that will be dotted around the scene outside houses, nut mostly outside the blacksmith, and pub.

Followed by a crate, another model that will be dotted around my scene as they as commonly seen in environments similar to what I am aiming for.

Next, this model which is of a beer/wine keg with a tap which won't be used quite as much as the other models described so far, but will still be used around the pub.

The last model that isn't finished yet is of a cart, and obviously is what is used to carry the crates, barrels and kegs, and maybe a couple of these models will be in my scene, but as it stands, just the one at the moment.