Saturday 14 April 2012

3D Modelling - Latest Update (14/04/2012)

Been very busy this week! Exported all models into Unity, gave them collisions, set up lighting and even made the terrain. Since the scene looked too basic in Unity, I decided to make an actual terrain that can be explored before reaching the village that gives the player something more to look at, and builds up the atmosphere from the lighting.

New models made for the terrain that I've also made include:

  • A Jetty
  • A boat
  • Camp fire
  • Way Post
  • Fences

As the player, you start off in a bobbing boat, and progress across the way toward the village. Other areas will be blocked off so that only one area can be explored by the player.

More rendering in 3ds Max and more experimenting with lights will take place next week.

So you start here, with a nice scenic view of a beach.

As you walk to the Jetty, you'll notice a fire ahead of you, a bridge, and a way post.
The post will tell you what towns or areas you will reach if you follow a certain path. 
Of course, only Avela is available, so the player can only travel in one direction.

As you run down the road, fences and lamp posts will mark the way until you reach the village.
Here, you will see the original models created in Max, starting with the Blacksmith's Workshop.
An overview of the town with the set theme of light to fit the scene.
A closer look at the houses with their lighting effects.
And finally some details added to the stalls.

Friday 6 April 2012

3D Modelling - Latest Update (06/04/2012)

With my other projects near completion, I can now focus on my dissertation a lot more, and so made sure that all texturing was finished this week. Looking back on my proposal for this dissertation, I realised how far behind I am, but this is simply down to my misjudgement as I forgot that texturing the models takes a lot longer than simply making them!

But now that all the texturing is done, I can start working toward lighting the scene in Max, and beginning to export it into Unity. This will all start taking place next week. So this week, I've textured the 3 houses (each taking some time!) grinding stone and anvil.

Not to mention the houses needing a slight revamp in certain areas.

Grinding Wheel

And as you can see I have already begun testing out different lighting, and so far find this style works really well. It shows good shadows, brings out the bump map and brings the village to life.

Exactly the kind of lighting I'm looking for.


Textured with special 'metal' type materials in 3ds Max. However may have to be changed when exported to Unity as I recall Unity doesn't support these materials!

House 1 - Standard house

House 2 - Blacksmith

House 3 - Inn

Overview of the village